Grandma had a lot of faith. She knew that Heavenly Father lives and she had all the faith in the world that He hears and answers prayers. On one return trip from Fayette to Panguitch, Grandma forgot to gas up before we left. We were just miles north of Circleville when she realized that she was running on fumes. So, she did what you're not supposed to do when you're running low on fuel and you're only a few miles from a gas station: she pulled over and turned off the car. Her faith was great. She believed that if she reverently and respectfully prayed, she would be able to start the car and make it to her destination on the fumes. So, we all bowed our heads, folded our arms and Grandma prayed that we would make it. She started the car back up and headed toward the nearest fuel source. Of course, her prayer was heard and answered and we made it without a problem.
Isn't it interesting the experiences we remember from our growing up years? What a blessing to have a mother with faith, a mother who never missed an opportunity to teach her children by her example that God lives, loves us and answers our pleas. As usual, I have many faith promoting experiences I could share about Grandma. How many times did she ask us, "Would you like me to fast for you?" And then there are the countless times that she prayed for us for every reason under the sun. So, please share an experience of Grandma and faith.
"...yea, they had been taught by their mothers, that if they did not doubt, God would deliver them.
And they rehearsed unto me the words of their mothers, saying: We do not doubt our mothers knew it."
And they rehearsed unto me the words of their mothers, saying: We do not doubt our mothers knew it."
Alma 56:47-48
I do not doubt my mother knew it.
Note: This picture is driving south on 89 at about where I think we probably were when Grandma realized she had no gas!
Yeah, our mom is pretty faithful. She has left a legacy of faith for each of her children. How blessed we are to call her mother.